Sooooo every year, my Mom and I watch American Idol together. Yeah yeah yeah, I know Lol! And you know how people get mad at the results and say, "UGH! I'm never watching this show again"? Yep, that's us too! But somehow, we find ourselves engaged every year once again. Well now that statement can finally be true with the Last Season of American Idol coming to a close last night.
As music lovers, my family likes to follow new talent and discover blossoming artists. We even think we could be professional judges and do it better (who doesn't lol). In talking to various people and reading commentary online, I've noticed that American Idol gets a lot of flack and loses followers each year. I constantly hear how people feel as if certain Idol Winners shouldn't have won, or that it's unfair the way certain contestants progress through the show. And we've all heard rumors that people believe the show voting system is rigged. People don't even feel like it's worth it to vote because they feel their vote doesn't matter. But putting all that aside, the truth still is that occasionally an artist may appear on the show with undeniable talent.
Year after year I've been exposed to amazing artists on the show that I fall in love with (literally way to many to name). But this year one artist has impressed upon me stronger than the rest. And this fierce diva is La'Porsha Renae.
Now don't get me wrong, there were other artists I genuinely loved and think are amazing; but we all have our favorites! I definitely encourage you to check out the other contestants. One thing I can say is this year, is that I 100% agreed with the Top 10 contestants that were selected. And each week I believe the eliminations were accurate and fair. Until I got a text from my mom last night saying, "LA'PORSHA GOT ROBBED!"
I'm sure you can imagine my reaction. As much as I love Trent Harmon, don't get me wrong THAT BOY CAN SANG; but La'Porsha was definitely a clear winner in my opinion. Even Kelly Clarkson said to La'Porsha on the Top 10 performance, "You're gonna win! If you don't win, I don't understand."
As a devoted fan, I tried my best to ensure Kelly's prediction came true. I struggled myself with questions like, "Should I Vote? Is it even worth it?" I also don't have cable anymore since I moved to NY. So trying to follow the show each week to vote was a struggle. But Wednesday night, I GAVE IT MY ALL!
Although La'Porsha didn't win, we've all seen the success stories of previous Idol contestants who blow up after the show. At the end of the day, talent is talent. And if you work hard enough and/or are fortunate enough to connect with the right people, who knows what the future holds. So I'm 100% confident in La'Porsha's future music career. She's even expressed herself that she's not surprised she didn't win, and that her and Trent even plan on doing some collaborative projects together. Although our number one choice may not succeed the way we want it to at times (whether on competition shows or in life), I still like to give credit where credit is due.
So here are a few videos of my favorites for you're viewing pleasure. I'll let you all decide the level of talent on the show this year. To sum up the entire Last Season of American Idol, it was amazing in my opinion. In their own words I finally agree it was "Their BEST season yet!" There are multiple artists I hope are able to further their careers and here are only a few of them. Watch the videos, soak in their awesomeness, and then you tell me who should've won!
La'Porsha Renae sings India Arie
If there's a secret chord, MacKenzie would find it! Watch him sing the praises of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah"!
Hello darkness, and hello, Dalton! Watch Dalton transform Simon & Garfunkel's classic "The Sound of Silence".