You know how every once in awhile you stumble across a rare talent that you CAN'T HELP but to fall in love with instantly...... Well Eryn Allen Kane has won my heart and soul!! And apparently I'm not the only one.
I like to think that great minds think alike and for her to get high praises and artist validation from such an influential artist as PRINCE let's me know we're onto something here. In an interview Eryn did with Essence she revealed that Prince is some what of a mentor to her now and that he has been following her work. As a result of his appreciation for her artistry, they connected. And he has continued to play a major role in her success. They even did a collaborative project together called "Baltimore" to shed light on the recent events of police brutality and shootings. But on a summer trip to Australia is where Eryn believes she connected with her passion for Music. She realized she wasn't living up to her full potential and decided it was time to get to work.
Her new EP is just a small dose of her amazing talents and songs she's written and composed herself over the years. Have a listen fo yo' selves. Lol.